Frequently Asked Questions
General: Hosting a Worksite
What do I need to do to become a worksite host?
Anyone can become a worksite host. You can be an individual who wants their neighborhood cleaned up, a corporation trying to plant trees, a teacher at a school who wants to create a garden - so many possibilities. You will need to sign up on GivePulse and we will aid you in coordination (website, fundraising) as well as supplies and tools that you will use the day of.
What is the main responsibility of a worksite host?
Must be able to pick up supplies (or coordinate pick up with another person) and drop the supplies back off when the event is over at Keep Columbus Beautiful. Additionally, coordination of the volunteers on the day(s) of the event(s). You will receive two t-shirts for the hosts so that the volunteers will more easily be able to find you and get guidance.
How will I be able to promote my event and have people sign up?
Once we approve your project, GivePulse will email you to let you know the link to the website for your project. You will be able to share that link and have people sign-up. You will be an admin on the website and be able to make basic changes.
How do I make edits to the volunteers needed or supplies?
Email worksites@greencbus.org with any edits or changes to volunteers/supplies.
Am I able to fundraise for my worksite?
If you want something extra (i.e. bench, more flowers) then please email worksites@greencbus.org for fundraising opportunities.
General: Volunteering
What should volunteers wear or bring for events?
Participants should wear sunscreen to protect their skin while outside and/or insect repellent. Wear clothes that would protect from the sun and scratches from brush/trash but also be light for the heat. Wear sturdy shoes and clothes that can get dirty. Bring plenty of water for hydration and snacks.
What are the protocols for safely picking up trash?
Do not pick up needles. Alert a leader right away if you find one. Do not pick up trash that is over 20 pounds - preserve your back. Do not pick up sharp objects and place them in a bag with the other trash, will rip bags and put all the waste picked up back in the ground/river. Avoid picking up leaky batteries or chemical/toxic contaminants. Again, notify team leads.
What are protocols for safely picking up litter in or near rivers?
Page 13, American Rivers Cleanups: Be aware of slipping hazards, rocks sticks logs and even sand can be very slippery in waterways. You may step on the trash that incidentally causes a fall. Watch where you place your feet and be very careful when walking.
Can I sign up my entire group at once or do I have to sign people up one-by-one?
You can register your entire group as a team to not have to do everyone individually.